Monday, December 17, 2012

Haters gonna hate.

One blogger said:

"I know I said I don't like iPad Mini that much when it was unveiled by the company a few months back. But after a few weeks of actually using the product, I've changed my mind about it. This, I think, is what's going to be hot for Apple in the future. It just makes sense and it's a joy to use. And I predict that the refresh next year with Retina Display will be one of the best selling tablets of 2013 and will probably even outsell the regular-sized iPad."
To which someone commented:
"You should really try it first before doing a review."
And another one:
"I think most of us have the same experience. When I got it, I know it has a low resolution and I know I will be disappointed with it. Turns out, I won't be. Now, the more I use it, the more I'm glad I got one."
Haters gonna hate. But it's good that some of them admit to wrongly (and prematurely) hating on something. I never hate on anything, except if it is a hater itself.

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