Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2013 and Scott Forstall

People seem quick to discount Apple since losing Steve Jobs to tech heaven back in 2011. People now think Apple needs another Steve Jobs, or else!

If you're reading until this paragraph, may I suggest you read my previous post; I won't be repeating stuff in there anymore that should really be included in this post.

But here is just my point to make. 2007 = iPhone. 2007 + 3 = 2010 = iPad. 2010 + 3 = 2013 = schedule for the next big thing from Apple. This is my personal (and only my own) deadline for Apple. Will it be the Apple iTV?

Anyhow, I think they're doing just fine now, whatever haters and Apple pretend-fanboys like to think. But I think if there's nothing so new in 2013 from Apple, then something's definitely missing. But mind you, I still don't think it's Steve Jobs or a Steve Jobs clone. Grow up, kids, Steve Jobs is dead and there won't be another one like him. Which person in history is the same exact person as someone from history's past? Even Steve Jobs himself told Apple execs something like "Don't ever think 'What would Steve say?' Just go do the right thing."

I think that Apple or any other company does not need another Steve Jobs-like persona. Of course, he or someone like him might be ideal for the job, but again I go back to HE IS DEAD AND THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER STEVE JOBS.

But consider this. Steve Jobs, fired at Apple, started NeXT, catapulted Pixar, and then NeXT got bought by a dying Apple. And the rest is history. Now, I just heard that someone who was said to be by some as having similarities to Jobs, was just recently fired. All he needs to do is start a NeXT-like company, and maybe another indirectly-tech-related company ala Pixar, and who knows, maybe Apple 3.0 when they are dying again (and I don't think that will happen -- they were almost dead before because they never reached the heights they have now) will buy his NeXT-like venture. Well, what do you know, we have another Jobs-like person. Of course, I'm talking about Scott Forstall. Will it happen? Well, of course, I don't know! But think of it, that would be an interesting twist to the Apple story.

All that said, it's also funny that I actually "met" people who think Apple is probably now on a decline and that they badly need a Jobs-like figure, because the iPhone 5 is not a big improvement over their iPhone 4S, or the iPad 4 not being a big improvement over their iPad 3, and now they don't know where to spend their money on because it would be a worthless upgrade. What a very difficult situation it is indeed for these people, no? I asked why they needed an upgrade, and there was no reply. My take is, they just want the bragging rights to having the latest and greatest. Well, good for them.

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